Did you know there's a site featuring literary tattoos? Painful but interesting: http://www.contrariwise.org/. I think something around tattoos would make a good "Booking Through Thursday" topic.
I have a high school friend coming to stay with me from Montreal so I don't know how much reading I'll do this week. Writing the school play can wait until next week. I signed my son up for tennis camp. He will get some exercise and spend time with his cousins while I finish plotting out the play. No more excuses!
I'm currently reading: GreenTOpia: Towards a Sustainable Toronto published by Toronto's legendary Coach House Press. It started out as a research book for my 30-day novel project but I've caught the green bug in earnest. I'm sure to finish these essays on greening up my home town and my life.
I have recently reread Comedy Writing Secrets by Melvin Helitzer. It's part of my play writing ritual which I repeat whenever I have a new comic project.
I still haven't finished Georges Flipo's Le Vertige des auteurs. It's funny and I appreciate the satire but I got interrupted in the spring and forgot to pick it up again. My "now-reading" and "to-read" piles are so high it got buried!
Happy reading