Flash Fiction

I found a good essay on flash fiction at smokelong.com. This is a site which features lots of stories that can be read in the 'time it takes to smoke a cigarette.' I wonder if they're addictive and dangerous as well.

In other news:

The first meeting of the new writing group was pleasant, although it took 1.5 hours to get there public transit. It was longer to get home because the commute from work is shorter. The first two chapters of my novel-in-progress are up for critiquing this week. Wish me good luck!

I'm in the midst of report cards. Today I spent from about 7:00 am to 1:00 pm entering marks, managing files, figuring out how to use my new grading software etc. The real push comes next weekend. By then all of my marking should be done and it will be a matter of calculating and inputting the grades and writing the comments. Next term my board is switching to a web-based platform for report cards. I hope it goes smoothly.