Errant Dreams Reviews - see new link

Heather of Errant Dreams Reviews is a pro reviewer, specializing in books on cooking, creativity, works of fiction and writing. What I like about the review site, which she maintains with technical reviewer Jeffrey, is the excellent organization. Quick blurbs with ratings are posted to the main blog as materials come in for testing -- and tasting. With one click you can bring up the detailed review if you are interested in the topic.

Past posts are organized by category. I know I'll have lots of fun exploring Fiction, Fantasy, SF, Writer's Books and Tools, Editing, Inspiration and Creativity. For my husband, the candy man, there are seven reviews on Chocolate alone.

Reviews span from gadgets and gardening to creativity and cats. I wonder if they'll consider reviewing chinchillas? I'm hankering to have one as a pet but wouldn't mind some advice before I invest in hamster wheels.

Happy reading
